Issac Sutton is a sophomore Chemical Engineering student at UTK. He has always been passionate about finding sustainable solutions to pressing environmental challenges, and he joined Dr. Li’s group in…
Congratulations to CRC student Issac Sutton, winner of 2023 Undergrad. research fellowship, under supervision of Prof. Li
CRC Prof Ragauskas gives invited talks as part of RSC Environment Prize
This past April, 2023, UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair for Biorefining, Professor Art Ragauskas gave a series of honorary lectures as part of his 2022 Royal Society of Chemistry Environment Prize. His…
CRC PhD student, Kailong Zhang, wins the 2023–2024 Oscar Roy Ashley Graduate Fellowship under direction of Prof Li
Kailong Zhang, a second-year PhD student in the School of Natural Resources, is the proud recipient of the 2023-2024 Oscar Roy Ashley Graduate Fellowship. Zhang’s innovative research is focused on…
Check out the beautiful Science as Art photos by CRC/Materials Science graduate students, Michael Broud and Jakob Scroggins
Lu Yu Receives 2022 IAWS Second Place PhD Award for her Research on Lignin
Dr. Lu Yu recently graduated from the UTK Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Department. She was co-advised by Prof. David Harper at the Center for Renewable Carbon (CRC) and Prof.…
UT ranked top global university for polymer science – U.S. News and World Report’s Best Global Universities
Researchers at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in fields including chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, biosystems engineering, and forestry are investigating polymers through a variety of fundamental scientific problems with real-world…
CRC Faculty Member Receives Department of Energy Grant
Dr. Shaoqing Cui’s lab is beginning a new DOE project, “Development of an innovative algal-based approach for producing biopolyols from CO2 for polyurethane foam application”
CRC Faculty Member Awarded the 2022 Royal Society of Chemistry’s Environment Prize
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CRC Faculty Member Receives Fulbright-Saastamoinen Foundation Grant
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CRC Graduate Student Receives the 2021 Second Place IAWS PhD Award
Dr. Qijun Zhang, who completed his doctoral studies at Center for Renewable Carbon under Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries, has won the second place of the International Academy of…